ceritanya beberapa minggu yang lalu aku dapet tugas dari guru Bahasa Inggris di sekolah buat nambah-nambahin nilai. sebenernya sih ada 3 tugas yang dikasih, tapi alhamdulillahnya sih karena nilai aku udah lumayan cukup jadi aku cuma dapet 1 tugas, yaitu movie review. jujur nih waktu dikasih tugas itu sih masih lumayan bingung, ya maklum aja karena materi itu belum dikupas habis di sekolah, tapi setelah aku cari info sana-sini ternyata movie review itu ya sejenis sama resensi lah kalo dalem Bahasa Indonesianya.
yaaaap waktunya pilih-pilih film yang bakalan di-review, harus cepet-cepet pilih judul nih soalnya my super teacher gak akan mau nerima tugas dari 2 orang yang berbeda dengan judul yang sama. setelah berpikir, berpikir dan berpikir, akhirnya aku pilih judul 'One Liter of Tears' because dulu udah pernah bikin semacam paper yg bahas tentang film itu (ya itung-itung biar gak mikir lagi lah haha). ternyata eh ternyata soft copy dari paper itu udah keapus dan hard copy nya juga udah sobek hiks ;(
mikir lagi deh buat nyari judul, eh setelah nginget-nginget akhirnya inget sama 1 film yang judulnya 'MEGAMIND', film itu ya semacam film animasi gitu tapi ceritanya gak cuma buat anak-anak aja terus nilai moralnya juga cukup bagus. selain itu, alasan lain aku milih MEGAMIND ya because itu adalah film pertama yang aku tonton sama‘dia’ o:) setelah fix ngambil judul itu dan konfirmasi ke temen-temen sekelas, mulai deh aku ngerjain MEGAMIND - movie review. ini dia hasilnya
Title : Megamind
Director : Tom McGrath
Writers : Alan J. Schoolcraft and Brent Simons
Actors : Will
Ferrell, Tina Fey, Brad Pitt, David Cross and Jonah Hill
Music : Lorne
Balfe and Hans Zimmer
Orientation : In the last of 2010, in theaters we have a new kind of
superhero move hitting the big screen, Megamind - your friendly neighborhood
villain! The film boosts some of the funniest voices in the business, Will
Ferrell, Tina Fey, David Cross, Jonah Hill and of course the only “real”
superhero is voiced by Brad Pitt. The movie uses 3D in the way it was meant to
be used and has plenty of jokes for kids and adults.
Interpretative : Megamind
the super villain of Metro City has defeated his arch
Recount nemesis Metro Man and has found himself with everything
he’s ever dreamed of! Only to find out that having everything is rather boring.
He tries to create another foe in the form of Titan, a young hero in training,
but he ends up causing more problems than he solves. The film also features Fey
as the female lead (the unconventional damsel in distress), a news reporter
who’s keeping track of the hero-villain antics and in the end helps solve them.
Evaluation : This
movie has an original idea, in a world where all superhero stories are made the
same, Megamind is a twist on the usual conventions. It was refreshing to see
some new ideas in a genre that seems to follow the same. Voice-over cast,
sometimes having distinct voices takes away from a film, this time it added to
it. Ferrell is like a chameleon with his voice and was able to use that to his
advantage and create a number of entertaining characters while still keeping
his signature Ferrell-ness; Tina Fey doing her reporter voice was perfect for the
role; Jonah Hill and David Cross are both hysterical comedians whether you can
see them or not; and finally Brad Pitt makes one damn good super-hero voice,
which is cliched enough to fit in but also perfect for the twist that comes
later. Moral value, as corny as it sounds it’s good to send out positive
messages to young audiences. And following your heart and never letting the
past define the future is always a good thing to implant in youngsters heads.
Visual effects, normally 3D films are rather gimmicky but in this film they did
a great job at fully utilizing the medium to its advantages. They didn’t over
do the 3D but when they went for it, they went full force and certain scenes I
would go as far as to say were actually beautifully made. It’s nice to see a
kids-comedy paying attention to such details.
Evaluation : Unfortunately, this movie has lots of plot, although there
are some good twists on the norm, there are a lot of plot lines and characters
to keep track of, especially for the kids in the audience. Though the plots
were not too hard for adults and older kids to follow the younger crowd seemed
a little discontent. Since this was very obviously made it be a kids film it
needs to keep their attention. And I can tell you from the wandering child in
my aisle that by the second plot twist, they were done!
Evaluative : This is a fun film and great for the kids as long as they
are not
Summation under the age of 6ish.